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Using Filters in the Employees page

In the Employees page, you can use preset or custom filters to review and manage your employees.

step 1 hubspot

Click Employees on the left-hand menu. 

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step 2 hubspot

Select from the predefined Filters pinned at the top.

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  • Completed: employees that have completed all of their Active programs
  • Not Signed Up: employees that have not yet signed up for the Nevvon app

You can also click the Filters button to see more options. Here you can select employees based on the criteria that you choose.

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You can expand any of the choices to reveal more filtering options by clicking on the arrow.

For example, click on the arrow next to Disciplines to view a list of disciplines to filter by.

You can select multiple parameters or use just one. The filters are designed to give you the flexibility and control you need.

When you have selected the filter options you need, click APPLY. 

Note: Applying the filters will not save that view for future use. To save filter, click the Save Filters button at the bottom and name your custom filter. Then it will always appear for you at the top, next to the other preset filters.

 What can I filter by?

  • Signed up: employees who have signed up for the Nevvon app
  • Disciplines: employees that are tagged under this discipline
  • Location: employees that are tagged under this location
  • Language: employees that have a certain preferred language selected
  • Employment Date: employees who started working with the agency on the selected date
  • Employee Status: employees that are identified as Active, On hold or Terminated in Nevvon
  • Applicant: employees that are considered an applicant
  • Programs: employees that are assigned to the selected program(s)
  • Completion: employees that have reached the chosen completion rate. Note that the completion rate is calculated based on the hours of all the programs the employee is assigned to.

You can use the filters to select Employees you want to take an ACTION on, such as Assigning to a Program or Sending a Message. 


You can select 1 Employee by clicking the box next to their name, or choose to select ALL the Employees shown on the page by clicking the box at the very top.

You can also export this list by clicking Export in the top right corner.